Light green / blue –
I remember this one from the particularly rounded bottom and tad bit of lighter fluid left, this one is not refillable. This was left at my student accommodation room during my first year of BA. The night previous I went out to Hurst Street and drank and danced with a friend of mine. He is a tory politician; he has fun winding me up about how great the right is and I have fun telling him he is talking out of his arse. A friend of his was there who also drank and danced. After getting absolutely sloshed I invited the friend back to mine for the night. We fucked. I think this must have been on a Monday. There used to be £1 disco bingo and £1 drinks at the village inn with the drag queen Queeny. When Queeny used to do drag. When gay town was safer for the queers and when you could purchase something for a quid. I recall bumping into the friend with my friend a week or two later. Dancing and drinking, the friend kept snogging my friend. According to my friend it was to make me jealous. From that point I wasn’t interested.