The asteroids which crashed into our homes held the same bacteria and evolved over time. We come from the same place, but we are no longer the same. We are opposite. But which one is normal, how god intended, and which one is prolapsed into something else? Who is from heaven? Who is from hell?
Aliens are always depicted naked. It is too natural. We straights are superior; we talk away our ravenous natural state. We restrain ourselves from walking with the zoo animals, we do not eat with our hands, we do not shit wherever it falls. We do not roll around in mud. We are clothed. We are clean. We hide our bodies to show how important sex is. This keeps our pyramid strong. This keeps us at the top. We eradicate the temptation. Though we like to feel naughty. *hair flick*
The idea of race and colour is interesting. While on earth we are still troubled, it is still the us and them but also upholds the hetero rulers. Race, in terms of animals, earth inhabitant or Pluto inhabitant, the pink insides of the humans, the ‘green’ ness of the Pluto people, the aliens. They are opposite. Or is it the pink of the aliens are opposite from humans because they wear pink on the outside, we humans are pink on the inside. Any pink on the outside we cover up. Not only our values but physical forms are inside out from each other. We are different breeds.