Black clipper
I went around dressed in what I believe to be a world war two uniform, cruising the outdoor gents with a friend. It was the first time meeting in person though we had chatted before online.

Light green / blue –
He is a tory politician; he has fun winding me up about how great the right is and I have fun telling him he is talking out of his arse.

Red with black paint
Almost clawing back at a ‘happier’ time when I painted a lot, as if going back to when I felt most creative would prove to myself a lighter frame of mind.

Blue lighter clipper light blue
After walking the long way around, avoiding families, to find the ideal picnic spot, we discovered neither of us brought our lighter.

Cam 4 Lighter
I recall really wanting to bareback in the foam room. I had 99p sandals on in the venue, they stuck to the wet floor and broke apart after several steps.

Amsterdam coffee shop
I felt comfortable there. Even though I got to a point where I couldn’t move from intoxication. I thought about the metal cage around my cock and the bottle of ‘leather cleaner’ in my bag.